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Benefits of Teaching Children Life Skills

by Gabriela Casanas

The education process aims to prepare children for life after school. In today’s day and age, there is a greater demand for fundamental life skills and academic excellence. One of the easiest ways to help children acquire the skillset to succeed is to incorporate learning experiences outside the classroom.

Benefits of Teaching Children Life Skills

Taking education outside the confines of the classroom can help enrich a student’s educational experience.  It shows them real-world applications of the theories they learn in school. Let’s learn more about why teaching life skills, in addition to academic knowledge, is vital for the growth and development of children.

Why is education outside the classroom essential?

Traditional education emphasizes repetition and memorization to educate students. It is an effective teaching methodology for sharing new knowledge and teaching it to students who learn best by listening. However, formal education does not encourage children to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Learning outside the classroom can lead to a deeper understanding of complex concepts and provide a context for learning in many areas.

Benefits of teaching life skills to children

Life skills ensure students possess a multi-faceted skillset that allows them to adapt and excel in various situations. It makes individuals competent enough to handle any professional and personal challenge with a positive mindset, allowing them to have a successful personal and professional life. Moreover, it teaches them to communicate effectively in their bid to collaborate and work as part of a larger team. It turns children into confident individuals allowing them the mental capacity to think out of the box and come up with innovative solutions. Additionally, it teaches morals and manners, enabling children to stand up peacefully for what is right.

Life skills education raises an individual with a strong character that epitomizes the holistic development of a student. Life skills are the essential skills that bring together a person’s social, emotional, and cognitive abilities to solve problems and achieve goals. These skills teach the importance of listening in a tolerant manner to preach respect for different opinions, cultures, and faiths. It helps students identify their purpose in light of their weaknesses and strengths, allowing them to pave the path to a prosperous future. Furthermore, it guides them toward a more holistic way of life, enabling them to influence everyone around them positively. It teaches them to assume responsibility for their actions which helps them lead a more sensible and responsible life. Also, it impresses upon students the value of family and friends. Consequently, children learn to acknowledge the importance of their close ones from a young age.


The challenges children face are rising, making it imperative that the education system evolves to equip our future generation with the skills and values to face them. Life skills education has emerged as an ideal and practical solution focusing on a child’s holistic development through the inculcation of moral values and critical life skills. These enable children to cope with various life challenges resiliently by upholding their values and morals.